Non-Profit, Ministry, & Educational Institution Professional
Jim's interest in making Non-Profit Organizations successful began in college while taking coursework in Not-For-Profit Management. Through several team projects with hands-on experience at local NPOs Jim began to realize the effectiveness of successful NPOs versus unsuccessful NPOs. He also noted that the degree of effectiveness is directly tied to both the mapped plans and the financial development practices of the organization.
Jim began his professional career in a ministry non-profit, quickly establishing development and marketing programs which he grew during his 12-year tenure at the organization. His next professional success was at a university where he revolutionized how the School of Arts advanced their major gift development while also creating the school's first sponsors program and member-based friends organization. After making the program sustainable, he pioneered the practice of Pro-Active Stewardship at higher education institutions.
In 2005, Jim began advising other smaller non-profit organizations on how to move forward successfully and advising larger higher education institutions on moves management and proactive stewardship. He continues these and other advisory disciplines today.
Managing Principal
The Corley-Hamil Group, LLC
Jan 2014 – Present
Jim founded this consulting group with a vision of a network of non-profit and educational professionals who could share their knowledge with and help other organizations while maintaining their primary career in their respective field. The vision is centered around tailoring to the individual organizations' needs at reasonable costs; basically, being a non-consultant consultant. Together We Exceed Your Goal.
Interim Director of Marketing & Development
King's Home, INC
May 2017 – Aug 2018
Jim began the process of moving King's Home into a position of strength by creating a Major Donor Program. He began by organizing a plan based on existing non-utilized relationships with Major Donor Prospects. He also instituted King's Home's first-ever capital campaign and brought King's Home's marketing into the 21st century.
Director of Stewardship (Proactive Stewardship)
Samford University
Jun 2009 – Dec 2013
The Stewardship Office at Samford was not traditional donor relations but a groundbreaking and revolutionary paradigm in Pro-Active Stewardship for Major Donors. We successfully brought major donors around to another major gift to create a seamless cycle of giving from top-tier donors.
Created and implemented a plan to seamlessly move single gift and sporadic major donors into repeat donors.
Major Gift Fundraising. Maintained and effected moves within a campus-wide portfolio of donors.
Discovered, cultivated, asked, and stewarded major donors for major, significant, and lifetime gifts.
Stewardship. Managed current major donors to bring them around to making another major gift. While many of the major donors were in my portfolio, I also led and shepherded the entire campus-wide development team in creating and implementing strategies for the major donors in their portfolios.
Donor Recognition. Created donor recognition trigger levels and procedures for implementing interactive, personal donor recognition. This plan involved mobilizing the entire spectrum of faculty and staff.
Planned Giving. Actively listened for clues to possible planned gifts when meeting with donors.
Development Strategies & Capital Planning. Created plans and giving levels for various projects within the University.
Team Advancement. Routinely reviewed the advancement team members portfolios to ensure they were maximizing their opportunities with existing donors.
Director of Major Gifts
Samford University
School of the Arts
Arts Venues
Jun 2005 – Jun 2009
Major Gift Fundraising. Discovered, cultivated, asked, and stewarded major donors for major, significant, and lifetime gifts. Projects funded included scholarships, programs, and four physical plant projects
Sponsorship Program. Created and develped the first sponsorship program for the Samford Arts. This involved selling event sponsorships for music programs and series, theater shows, and art exhibits.
Planned Giving. Actively listened for clues to possible planned gifts when meeting with donors.
Director of Special Projects
Campus Outreach
1992 – 2004
Responsible for and led the fundraising & development team, two events teams, the electronic media team, and the IT/systems team. Also took lead on any project that didn't fall within any other director's area (hence the title).
Higher Education
Public Speaking
Strategic Planning
Student Affairs
Social Media
Community Development
Public Relations
Volunteer Management
Leadership Development
Event Planning
Grant Writing
Event Management
Annual Giving
Program Development
Community Outreach
Jim C Hamil
PO Box 430182
Birmingham, AL 35243-1182
Consulting Office:
205-623-5878 x707
Primary Job Office:
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